wow, you've managed to stumble into my Mental Hell...
but, i'm not done building my own tortures, so you will have to come back.
if you want a free webpage that won't spam your visitors to death,
try out:
They Give Ya 20 MB's!!!!!
My interests are:
- Art and Artists
- Books/Magazines
- Cartoons/Comic Books
- Comedy
- Computers/Technology
- Movies/TV
- Music: Techno, Heavy Metal, Rap... things like that.
- News/Current Events
- PC Games
- Paranormal
- Philosophy
- Photography
- Politics
- Science Fiction
- Sports: Baseball
- Web Publishing/Design
- mIRC Scripting
Email me at:
[email protected]
Hi there! you ever been real pissed at someone on ICQ and wanted to get revenge but were afraid of getting caught? well, you don't have to worry anymore! just download and unzip it to your hard-drive, then run the iFQ.exe, fill in the blanks and hit iFQ-Him!
what this does is send a completely anonymous message to the lamer! u can say whatever u want to them, and they'll never know who did it!!
have fun!!!!